Final exam and thesis

The final exam consists of the defense of a Thesis written in English in front of a commission.

The dissertation is written under the guidance of a supervisor, preferably a lecturer from a subject in the Master's Degree course, or whose contents are consistent with the course's educational aims. There may also be an external co-supervisor.

The work must address topics of the master's degree course of theoretical or practical nature, and meet the criteria of scientificity and originality. It may relate to specific projects carried out during an internship or other training experience, including periods abroad under mobility agreements.

The final exam commission evaluates:

  • proficiency in economic, legal, political, sociological and historical research methods
  • autonomy
  • critical and analytical skills
  • ability to present in a clear, complete and organic way.

Procedure, composition of the committees and computation of the degree grade are ruled by the Final examination regulation.

Graduation mark

The final degree grade is on a scale from 0 to 110 (where 'sufficiency' is 66/110) and is calculated by summing:

  • the weighted average of exams converted to the 110 scale;
  • max 8 points assigned by the commission for the Thesis and its discussion;
  • max 1 point assigned by the course coordinator for students graduating by December of the 2nd year.