In the global world, security is an indispensable lens for interpreting international relations and addressing the multi-level challenges of an increasingly interconnected and global society. In this programme, jointly awarded by the University of Trento (School of International Studies, SIS) and the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA), in Pisa, you’ll approach Security studies in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspective, in an ongoing dialogue between Political Science, Law, Economics, History, Political Sociology, Political Geography, Political Philosophy.
The courses are based on an extensive articulation of the concept of security, aiming to complement the traditional strategic and military approach to encompass human security, economic and financial security, environmental and climate security, resource and food security, cyber and digital security.
Your learning experience over the 2 years will be enriched also with language skills as well as soft and transversal skills, thanks to an entire semester dedicated to a traineeship or research experience abroad, some practical experiences of innovative learning with leading international academics, experts and practitioners.