Schedule and calendar
TitoloClass schedule and roomsTesto
You can check the class schedules and rooms for lessons to know the exact location and hours of each lecture in:
Teaching activities
TitoloEducational offer and handbookTesto
In order to complete the CEILS programme students must acquire 180 CFU credits ('Credito Formativo Universitario') by taking
- 153 credits in compulsory exams
- 18 credits in elective activities
- 15 credits in other activities.
Over the three years of the CEILS programme you will:
- take the exams according to your study plan and to the pre-required exams, as established by the Regulations of the CEILS programme.
- Reach the C1 level in English language, and thus acquire 6 CFU credits.
- Write and discuss the final thesis (6 CFU credits).
To find out which activities are planned for each year (both the mandatory and elective courses), as well as in which semester they are offered, please check the documents
- Teaching activities
- Handbook for CEILS students
TitoloCourses' SyllabusTesto
The syllabus of each course contains important information such as the course programme and content, the names of your professors, the course materials and bibliography and the assessment method.
TitoloMoodle online coursesTesto
Learning contents and resources are published by professors in the Moodle Online Teaching courses.
Record book and exams
TitoloRecord bookTesto
The online Record book is the tool that contains all the approved educational activities in your study plan, including those you must complete and those you have passed, along with credits and grades. You can found it
- in Esse3 - Career - Record book
- in the UniTrentoApp.
You cannot take exams for educational activities that have not been approved in your study plan and are not listed in your Record book.
Courses end with a final assessment or exam, whose purpose is to measure student learning.
They are held during exam sessions at the end of each semester on certain dates ("appelli").
Some courses may include an intermediate assessment during the semester.
In every exam session there are multiple exam dates (appelli) for the same course.
Exam-taking requirements
To take exams and intermediate assessments you must:
- be compliant with the yearly enrollment;
- have a validated photo;
- make sure that the course for which you are taking the exam is in your study plan (check your "Libretto")
- register within a given time frame, based on the organisation of your programme, published on the Exams sessions notice board.
How to register for exams
Final exams and intermediate assessments: on Esse3 - Exams.
Foreign language tests: dates and registration procedure are described at the page Language tests.
Exam results are published on Esse3 or in your UniTrentoApp.