
Programme outline for students starting in 2024/2025

Year of study: 1
Compulsory language skills (level B2)
Language skills (level B1)
Other Language skills (level B2)
Improvement of English language (level C1)
Other activities (between 2 and 10 CFU)
Elective courses offered by other courses
other activities (between 2 and 15 CFU)
Year of study: 2
Second year - Elective courses
Elective courses offered by other courses
Other activities (between 2 and 12 CFU)
Year of study: 3
Third year - One compulsory subjects (6 CFU)

CEILS is characterized by some specificities: 

  • CEILS was the first Bachelor of Law degree program to be taught totally in English in Italy. 
  • you will be constantly encouraged to experience abroad, you will have many visiting-professors from other universities, and you will be able to compare yourself with foreign students. 
  • CEILS has several agreements with foreign universities to continue your studies. 

You will learn how to:

  • operate in diverse professional contexts (e.g. in companies, in the third sector at supranational level, in international organisations and in the European Union) that require the ability to take into account the intermingling of one's own legal system of origin and different legal systems, as well as the role and impact of European and international law on national systems
  • access legal data formulated in languages other than Italian and to make these data as comprehensible as possible in different legal and linguistic contexts
  • communicate law in a different language

Furthermore, you will acquire communication, relational and cognitive skills, as well as personal growth (soft skills).


You will attend high quality teaching in mixed classes under the supervision of international and Italian academics. 

You will be exposed to a variety of methodologies, disciplinary traditions and jurisdictions.


Careers Opportunities

CEILS graduates will possess a set of particularly valuable skills to access the international market of legal professions. Moreover, CEILS graduates could be employed in

  • Industry, services or trade sectors
  • Public or nonprofit private organisations requiring international legal expertise.
  • Certain positions of legal officials or linguistic legal experts may be open to CEILS graduates. Graduates interested in continuing their studies will be in an ideal position to apply to national or international masters’ programmes in the areas of law, economics, political science, international relations and sociology.

Further Studies

Graduates interested in continuing their studies will be in an ideal position to apply to national or international masters’ programmes in the areas of law, economics, political science, international relations and sociology.

Specific agreements with international institutions allow CEILS graduates to benefit of the following opportunities to pursue their studies abroad at reduced rates in one of the following Law Schools: 

  • University of Glasgow School of Law (UK) - Accelerated LLB programmes in Scots Law or Common Law
  • University of Liverpool(UK) - Selection of LLM programmes 
  • Utrecht University School of Law (NL) - Selection of LLM programmes
  • University of Strathclyde - Selection of LLM programmes 

 Other agreements are under development with European and non-European universities.