immagine decorativa Locations


The classes will be held in various locations: the location for each class is specified in the class schedule website.

immagine decorativa Schedule and calendar

Class schedule and rooms

You can check the class schedules and rooms for lessons to know the exact location and hours of each lecture in:

immagine decorativa Guide, courses, resources

Educational offer

Read the Educational offer of the current year to learn about the courses you're required to take as part of your degree and elective courses you can choose.

Courses' Syllabus

The syllabus of each course contains important information such as the course programme and content, the names of your professors, the course materials and bibliography and the assessment method.

Moodle online courses

Learning contents and resources are published by professors in the Moodle Online Teaching courses.

immagine decorativa Record book and exams

Record book

The online Record book is the tool that contains all the approved educational activities in your study plan, including those you must complete and those you have passed, along with credits and grades. You can found it

You cannot take exams for educational activities that have not been approved in your study plan and are not listed in your Record book.


Courses end with a final assessment or exam, whose purpose is to measure student learning.

They are held during exam sessions at the end of each semester on certain dates ("appelli").

Some courses may include an intermediate assessment during the semester.

In every exam session there are multiple exam dates (appelli) for the same course.

Exam-taking requirements

To take exams and intermediate assessments you must:

How to register for exams

Final exams and intermediate assessments: on Esse3 - Menu - Exams.

Foreign language tests: dates and registration procedure are described at the page Language tests.

Exam results are published on Esse3 or in your UniTrentoApp.

immagine decorativa Experiments and innovation

Credits for experiments

Students can get up to 2 ECTS (free choice activities) for the participation in lab experiments. The activity must comply with the following administrative procedures:

  • fill in the Experiment participation form (in the attached file below), including the description of the experiment (objectives, period, tasks, methods and tools), undersigned from the lab supervisor and from the Unitn supervisor (lecturer in charge of the experiment);
  • complete at least 20 hours of lab activities for 1 ECTS;
  • submit to the Support Office for Students all the forms for the recognition of the credits.
Start-Up Lab

The Start-Up Lab (SUL) is a hands-on interdepartmental Lab on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E). The SUL is an innovative learning experience focused on customer centric creativity, idea generation, business idea optimization and pitching finalized to develop innovative products/services which can, eventually, turn into a start-up. Students are constantly mentored by professionals and entrepreneurs. The teaching language is English. Students who successfully complete the seminar will acquire 8 ECTS for free choice activities.

SUL is organized within the Contamination Lab Trento (CLab Trento), the coworking space open to students, researchers and companies interested in the topic of innovation. The CLab is a physical and digital creative and stimulating space, which offers seminars and activities, such as the Innovation Olympics