The study plan is the full set of activities (classes, laboratories, internships) needed to achieve the degree.
Filling in the study plan is necessary to enter these activities in your Record book in Esse3: you can only take exams if for the activities already included your Record book.
To choose which activities to include in your study plan, check the Didactic Offer ("Manifesto degli studi").
You can only fill in your study plan in two fixed periods each year in the 1st and 2nd semester.
Before filling out the Study Plan, check the Educational offer ("Manifesto degli studi") for the current academic year.
Only if you are enrolled in the 2nd year in the current a.y., you have to sumbit the study plan in Esse3 and choose elective courses
Se vuoi inserire attività didattiche diverse da quelli che propone Esse3, per compilare il piano di studio devi inviare al Supporto Studenti il modulo Piano di studio Edile-Architettura prima richiesta: la tua richiesta di modifica sarà valutata dalla Commissione di area didattica e il Supporto Studenti ti comunicherà l'esito via email.
Se sei iscritto/iscritta fuori corso puoi modificare il piano di studio nei periodi stabiliti ogni anno. Compila e invia al Supporto Studenti uno dei moduli allegati:
- il modulo Piano di studio Edile-Architettura prima richiesta, se è la prima volta che chiedi la modifica
- il modulo Piano di studio Edile-Architettura modifiche, se è una modifica successiva alla prima.
To make sure that the requested changes to your study plan have been successfully made, please check your Esse3 personal area, section Career - Record Book and ensure that all the desired didactic activities are actually present.
The section Study plan - Career plan may not correspond with what is present in the section Career - Record Book, or not all the didactic activities in the Career - Record Book may have a “P” (“Didactic Activity linked to the plan”): this will not affect your Study plan.
Front desk on appointment:
- Wednesday from 14.30 to 16.00 in person
- Tuesday from 10.00 to 12.00 online con Zoom.
Phone: +39 0461 281971