Final Exam

The final exam consists of the defence of a thesis written in English under the guidance of a supervisor on a topic consistent with the content of the Master’s programme.

The Master thesis has a double educational value:

  • it allows to evaluate your learning outcomes via an empirical or theoretical research; on the other hand
  • it allows to evaluate your level of autonomy in planning, writing, and discussing a scientific text.

The Supervisor can be chosen among:

  • all the professors and researchers of the Department of Sociology and Social Research
  • professors from outside the Department with a teaching assignment at the Department
  • professors and researchers from other Departments or Centres of the University, with the prior authorisation of the Director of the Department
  • for double degree programmes or other international agreements, a professor or a researcher from the partner university.
External activities authorization

If you need to carry out activities outside the UniTrento location, related to any course activity, or the thesis projetc, you must require in advance a specific authorization in order to grant insurance coverage.