Final Exam and thesis dissertation
The Master Thesis is a dissertation written by the studentyou about a topic decided with the Thesis supervisor and related to the study course: it can be either a topic already discussed during a course or a project carried out during an internship and defended during the graduation session in front of the Academic Board.
Details about graduation, Thesis supervisor, dissertation, score and evaluation methods of the final examination are described in the final examination regulation (in Italian only) available in attachment.
The final mark of your Degree is awarded on a scale 60-110 and it will be calculated considering:
- your weighted average out of 30 converted on a scale out of 110. This will be your starting mark before the Thesis defence in front of the Academic Board.
- The Academic Board will evaluate your Thesis defence on a scale 0-12 points. The points will be added to your weighted average previously converted on a scale out of 110.