The final examination consists of the discussion of an original thesis, presented in the form of a written dissertation, on a topic proposed by you and approved by the Academic Program Committee.
You will prepare the thesis under the guidance of one or more supervisors, at least one of whom must be selected from the professors and researchers of the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering or from the faculty members teaching in your degree program.
The Examination Committee, taking into account the evaluation provided by the supervisor, assesses:
- the quality of the thesis work
- your mastery of the topics covered
- your communication skills
- your overall preparation
- your scientific maturity.
The procedures for the final examination, the composition of the Examination Committee, and the method for determining the final grade are outlined in the Final Examination Regulations ("Regolamento di prova finale")
Questo regolamento si applica alle lauree magistrali in Ingegneria civile e Ingegneria dell'ambiente e del territorio dell'ord. 270/2004 e alle rispettiva lauree specialistiche dell'ordinamento 509/1999