
Per accedere e frequentare il corso è necessario avere determinati livelli di competenza linguistica, in base al percorso scelto, in italiano o in inglese.

Curriculum in Italian

If you choose the Curriculum in Italian, you must have the following language skills:

  • English proficiency at level A2, which you need to acquire or certify for admission to the course ora at the latest before taking exams starting from the 2nd year.
  • English proficiency at level B1, which you need to acquire or certify before taking exams in the 3rd year.

Students who enrolled in the course up to the academic year 2023/2024 must have English proficiency at level B1, to be acquired or certified before taking exams in the 3rd year.

Curriculum in English

If you choose the Curriculum in English, you must have the following language skills:

  • English proficiency at level B2, which you need to acquire or certify during the admission process or at the latest before taking exams starting from the 2nd year.
  • If you are a native Italian speaker, you must have English proficiency at level C1, or Technical English, which you need to acquire or certify before taking exams in the 3rd year.
  • If you are not a native Italian speaker, you must pass a basic Italian language proficiency test before taking exams in the 3rd year.
How to acquire or certify language skills

Access requirements

You can prove that you meet the required language skills for admission in one of the following ways:

  • Pass the English language proficiency test in the admission exam with a score equal to or higher than the required level.
  • Take and pass the required English language exam at the Language Centre (CLA) before the start of the second year, and in any case, before taking exams in the 2nd year.
  • Submit a language certificate at or above the required level for your program after enrollment.

Language proficiency during the programme

You can certify your language skills during the course in one of the following ways:

  • Take the language proficiency test at the required level with language experts from the CLA, according to methods agreed upon with the department.
  • Submit a language certificate recognized by the CLA at or above the required level for your program.

Recognition of language certificates

If you have already submitted a certificate with your admission application, both the access language requirement and the language proficiency test will be recognized.

Credits obtained through certifications acquired before enrollment are not considered in the calculation for maintaining the scholarship.