Final exam dates and deadlines
Final exam dates and deadlines a.y. 2023/2024
Registration to graduationThesis uploadFinal exam
by 31 May 2024by 2 July 202416 July 2024
by 5 September 2024by 3 October 202417 October 2024
by 4 November 2024by 2 December 202416 December 2024
by 11 February 2025by 11 March 202525 and 26 March 2025
Final exam dates and deadlines a.y. 2024/2025
Registration to graduationThesis uploadFinal exam
by 5 June 2025by 5 July 202517 July 2025
Registration for the final exam

Submit your degree application by the deadline in Esse3 - Degree award:

  • answer the Almalaurea questionnaire
  • fill in the thesis title
  • fill in the Supervisor name
  • attach the Final exam request ("Domanda di ammissione all'esame di laurea") signed by the Supervisor
  • pay the contribution available in Esse3 - Registrar's office - MyTasse within the deadline indicated in the payment slip.
Thesis upload and abstract submission

After completing the final exam registraiont, in Esse3 you have to upload your thesis file in standard PDF. The title page must follow the attached Thesis cover template.

When the Academic Board is published, you have to submit

  • the thesis file in PDF format to the Supervisor, the co-examiner and the president of the Academic Board
  • a brief summary (maximum 5 pages plus the bibliography) of your thesis in PDF format to the President and all the members of the Academic Board.
Committee board and schedule of final exam

The date, time and room for the final exam of each candidate and the composition of the academic board are published on this page in the decree for the final examination.

As the Academic Board is published, you have to submit

  • the thesis file in PDF format to the Supervisor, the co-examiner and the president of the Academic Board
  • a brief summary  of maximum 5 pages plus the bibliography of your thesis in PDF format to the President and all the members of the Academic Board.
Certificates, Diploma and Diploma Supplement

After graduation you can get various documents proving your title degree, depending on the purpose:

Giving up the final exam

If you have to give up your final exam session, you have to mail to the Students Support Service of your course from your UniTrento email.