The Master's Degree in Mechatronics Engineering will make you a person capable of understanding, designing, implementing and innovating the most advanced industrial products, understood as systems characterised by complexity, flexibility and advanced functionality. You will integrate knowledge from different disciplines - such as mechanics, electronics, automation and computer science - that will help you to design and manage modern intelligent mechanical systems (cyber-physical systems), endowed with perceptive and cognitive capabilities that enable them to interact effectively with people and the environment.
The course is divided into three curricula:
Mechanics, where you will focus on advanced tools for the design of mechanical systems, their prototyping and testing, and the development of manufacturing technologies;
Electronics and Robotics, where you will develop appropriate knowledge of artificial intelligence techniques applied to mechanical and industrial systems, together with skills in measurement systems and robot modelling, planning and control.
Intelligent Vehicles, where you will study the technologies that enable the design and development of intelligent systems for connected and autonomous vehicles, the most advanced intelligent transport systems.
The EIT Digital Autonomous Systems and Intelligent Robots dual degree programme is offered jointly by qualified European universities and combines skills characteristic of mechatronic engineering and autonomous systems with skills in entrepreneurship and innovation management.