
Programme's coordinator: Daniele Bortoluzzi 

Educational offer coordinator: Daniele Fontanelli

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Admission office Science Master's Degrees in English Science and Technology Area
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Student Support Service Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Information Engineering and Computer Science

Front desk on appointment:

  • in person Wednesday from 14.00 to 15.30
  • online with Zoom: friday from 10.00 to 12.00

Helpline: from Monday to Tuesday from 9.00 to 10.30, phone +39 0461 281567

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International Mobility Office Science and Technology Area

Front desk on appointment

Phone for DICAM and C3A students: +39 0461 282587

Phone for CIBIO, DII, DISI, Mathematics, Physics students: +39 0461 283236, +39 0461 283237, +39 0461 281864, +39 0461 283976, +39 0461 283240, +39 0461 283980

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Department of Industrial Engineering

Phone: +39 0461 282500, +39 0461 282503